
  • Back-end Spring framework, Java
  • Others Git & Github, Vim


  • …..

👨🏻‍💻Work experience

  • Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, in Deajon (2019. 6. 26 - 2019. 8. 25)
    • Analyzed AI-based Computational Science data
    • Developed Simulation prediction S/W and collecting users’ data
  • Network Convergence Lab, in Jeju (2018. 9. 1 - 2019. 6. 30)
    • Jeju National University, Network Convergence Lab
    • Participated in Industry-University Cooperation project


  • B.Eng. in Korea, Jeju National University, 2020


  • TOEIC Speacking: Level 6
  • Engineer Information Processing
